Tuesday 11 March 2008

The Orange Box Wins More Than 100 Awards

The 2007 award season is coming to an end and that's why Valve Software has announced that The Orange Box has won over 100 awards, including 50 Game of the Year honors. "While some have called it the best value in video game history, Valve took a chance with the product mix in The Orange Box, the game design of Portal, and the art style of Team Fortress 2," said Gabe Newell, president of Valve. "After earning the top review scores of all time on two platforms, becoming a best seller on multiple platforms, and accumulating over 100 awards, that risk has been rewarded by gamers and game critics around the world. We look forward to following up on the success of The Orange Box later this year with the launch of Left 4 Dead on PC and Xbox 360."

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