Monday 23 July 2007

In the beginning x360x

Hi everybody its Errol aka the SpiritLorre welcoming all you gamer heads to my blog with the help of A HAK getting me started. You know gamer heads, I feel it necessary to start this daily dosage blogger as we are entering exciting times with the Xbox 360. As soon as it hits august there is going to be a raft of games coming out in a serious dosage. It is really going to be the best line up in gaming history, so you guys are going to have to pick wisely unless you are a very rich person in which case you can also buy me games lol.

99% of the information will be about the 360! but from time to time I will also drop info on other consoles as competition is a very healthy thing & will keep ms on their toes. This is what we need to keep the games pushing the boundaries.

I hope you enjoy the information in the coming weeks & months, watch out for those surprise announcements & reviews so that you can decide what games to buy.

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