Tuesday 1 April 2008

Breaking News: GTAIV delayed for 360 ONLY

Sources close to XE have told us that Rockstar is halting production and delaying the release of Grand Theft Auto 4 for the Xbox 360 due to a late night conference call that happened late this evening. Details are scarce, but it seems as if a former disgruntled Rockstar employee managed to leave hidden data on the Xbox 360 version of GTAIV. Rockstar immediately halted production of the discs to ensure that another “Hot Coffee” type uproar would not occur within the public and media again. Details are very scarce, but word is spreading that the content was a hidden mission involving violence, drugs, and sexual innuendos. Apparently the ESRB missed this content even after a very rigorous review of the entire game. The ESRB even requested a printout of the game code to be reviewed by their own independent research team. This “printout” is rumored to be around 1.7 million pages of data that was read by 14 independently contracted programmers. How they still managed to miss this content is not yet known. This source, who wants to remain anonymous at this time, has also told us that the PS3 version will NOT be delayed. The source states that the content which is causing this mess could not be put on the PS3’s blu-ray discs due to the amount of redundant uncompressed audio that was needed to fill the disc.

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