Wednesday 20 February 2008

Gears of War 2 Announced At GDC

By Brandon Hofer (XBL: ShadowNextGen) - 20 Feb 08
The Microsoft keynote at GDC just ended minutes ago with some big announcements. Along with these big announcements Itagaki was on hand to demo more of Ninja Gaiden 2 as well as Peter Molyneaux showing up to show off more of Fable 2. During the keynote there were some big announcements that came out about upcoming titles.

First of all Itagaki announced that Ninja Gaiden II has a confirmed release date of June 3, 2008. In Ninja Gaiden II you will be abe to upload clips of your videos to XBox Live and people can then dowload them from leaderboards. I would assume that this would work similarly to how the Halo 3 saved films feature work.

Next Peter Molyneaux is on stage and is going through a live demo of Fable 2. Apparently in the game you won't get money from doing quests but rather working jobs or playing games of chance. There will also apparently be an XBLA game outside of Fable 2 specifically that will allow you to build up your money for use in Fable 2 before you even have the game! The next big feature announced for Fable 2 was co-op! You can hop in at any point to join another persons game. Also apparently anything you get in your friends world you can bring back to your own.

After those big announcements a video is then shown for Gears of War 2! There was no gameplay however supposedly a Gears of War 2 teaser video will be available later on today on XBox Live Marketplace. Cliffy B then comes out and announces that this game is a 360 exclusive and will come out in November 2008.

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