Tuesday 11 December 2007

Mass Effect Sells One Million in First Three Weeks

The incredibly enjoyable space opera that is Mass Effect is enjoying quite the sales surge in its first three weeks out on store shelves. Microsoft confirms that the game from Bioware has sold over a million copies globally in the short time it has been available. I thought this game had kind of a slow start, but I guess not. The game has managed to triple its expected sales of November that were set at 328,000 copies sold. I guess the planned trilogy was a good idea after all. Could this be the next huge exclusive hit and system seller for the 360 thats breathing down the necks of Halo 3 or Gears of War? Well now that EA owns Bioware and therefore Mass Effect, Microsoft is going to have to start making some deals fast. Either way I am glad that this game has been as successful as it has because it really deserves to sell well and I really hope it stays a 360 exclusive (doubtful when EA is involved). If you haven't gone out and bought Mass Effect, then you need to follow in a million of your fellow 360 gamer's footsteps and head out to your nearest retailer (you wont be disappointed).

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