Monday 6 August 2007

Quake Arena coming to Live Arcade

Online classic returns on XBLA One of the most popular online multiplayer games ever is set to appear on Live Arcade in the form of Quake Arena, id Software has announced.
Announced at QuakeCon, id Software confirmed the game, which is based on Quake III Arena, was in development for Live Arcade and that Pi Studios (who have worked on several of the Call of Duty games, including last year’s Call of Duty 3) would be handling the coding duties.
Pricing and the exact release date weren’t announced, but provided Pi can recapture the spirit of Quake III, it should be worth the admission price – certainly, given the sheer popularity of the Dreamcast and PC versions back in the day, we can see this one becoming big news on Live.
Keep an eye out for more on Quake Arena soon

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