Monday 27 August 2007

Michael Bay Retracts Earlier Statement; Says He Supports Paramount's Decision to Back HD DVD

In a story that just won't die, 'Transformers' director Michael Bay now says he over-reacted when he posted a widely-reported angry message on his web site last night, condemning Paramount for dropping its support of Blu-ray

After huddling with Paramount brass today (and apparently watching the '300' HD DVD -- "it rocks," says Bay), the 'Transformers' director says he understands where the studio is coming from, and that after hearing Paramount's rationale for choosing HD DVD over Blu-ray, "I like what I heard."

Bay now dismisses his earlier comments as an ill-informed late night post, written in haste following dinner with three owners of Blu-ray players. "I drank the kool aid hook line and sinker," said Bay.

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