Tuesday, 11 December 2007

GRAW 3 Coming YES YES!!!!

I was a huge fan of the first GRAW that came along and showed everyone the 360's potential. I became a bigger fan when GRAW 2 released with a new story and polish that made for a much tighter game. Now it looks like we should be expecting GRAW 3 with even more features to launch the franchise into the stratosphere. The third installation in the GRAW series will be built with an entirely new engine but continue the Mexican terrorist story line the first two games established. This story is supposed to wrap up the events in Mexico as well as tie into Tom Clancy's Endwar story line (you can control Ghost and Slinter Cell units in Endwar). Multiplayer and the single player campaign are expected to be built by the same team so there wont be the usuall glaring differences between the two components (maybe there will be a cover system in multiplayer now). The first two GRAW's released a year apart, so if that precedent holds for the third game get ready to step in Captain Mitchell well worn combat boots around March 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wicked Badd!!

Should be fantastic on Playstation 3 60Gig!!

UT3 on PC is wicked £25!! also waiting for PS3 version!!