What does it mean when PS3 games start appearing on DVD?
by: Chris Stead 13/12/2007
We noticed something a little strange today – we received PS3 preview and review code (provided to journalists only) on DVD format… not Blu-ray. We won’t point fingers or name names, but further research through our piles of discs revealed that this was not an isolated incident and that this phenomenon is restricted to games that are, or had been, released on the Xbox 360 as well. That is, multi-format games’ not all of them, but some of them.
On face value that didn’t seem particularly weird – after all, most multi-format games are indistinguishable across the consoles - but we couldn’t shake the feeling of being sold short. Really, shouldn’t there be some type of PS3 specific optimisation that makes use of this all-powerful Blu-ray format? Given that developers have access to an extra, what, 20-odd gig with Blu-ray, shouldn’t games be stepping up?
Then it hit us: it’s not worth their while. If you build a multi-format game across Xbox 360 and PS3 right now, you have two options: design the game separately for each format or design one game, that maximises the capacity of the smaller format... i.e. DVD. Obviously the second option makes much better business sense, especially given that the PS3’s install base is only just starting to show life, ensuring that any extra costs incurred by redeveloping the game specifically for the system are unlikely to be recovered. So yes, we’ll get our game on a Blu-ray disc but don’t let the label fool you: in many multi-format games it’s still a DVD experience.
And then something else hit us, even harder. The progression of gaming, in general, has been bottlenecked by the bloody DVD!
This looks bad on Microsoft, despite the fact it is Sony’s Blu-ray not been properly utilised. In fact, it is becoming apparent that Microsoft really screwed Sony, and by extension us gamers, over in this generation. In their effort to be first into market they built a next-gen machine on old-gen technology, releasing the Xbox 360 with a standard DVD drive and not an HD-DVD drive.
But by being first, Microsoft gained the better market position, and now has an install base that demands that it is the lead format for developers – or in simpler terms, developers can make more money from a game through the Xbox 360, than the PS3. And the Xbox 360 is restricted to DVD. Worse still, Microsoft didn’t go with a hard-drive as standard, further restricting developer freedom.
At the moment, you could argue that it doesn’t really matter. Call of Duty 4 is just one example of how games can kick serious arse at a maximum of 9GB. But Microsoft’s lack of forethought, or worse still their knowing decision to just run with DVD at the cost of the industry’s long-term future, will bite them on the arse. The PS3 is starting to get games, good games, and it’s becoming more reasonably priced. The install base will grow and sometime, maybe in late 2008 or in 2009, we will reach a tipping point and the PS3 will become big enough to be chosen as the lead format. This will open the doors for developers to wash their hands of DVD limitations and develop primarily for both Blu-ray and a standard hard-drive. It’ll come like an avalanche – if the PS3 catches up on the Xbox 360, it will surge ahead.
What for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 then? Down-sized, compressed and ugly ports? Games on five discs? At the very least we’re talking a new HD-DVD and hard-drive as standard SKU, but most likely we’re talking a new console altogether. We get the impression developers want that freedom of a hard-drive and greater storage space – surely it is harder to have to squish everything in to 9GB. We’re already seeing Xbox 360 games like Blue Dragon appearing on more than one disc, like latter releases in the PS2 catalogue.
But for right now, these PS3 games on DVD are an embarrassment to the industry. Ok, so you’ve got a game that doesn’t need more than 9GB of space – congratulations. But you’re burning to, and consumers are paying for, Blu-ray discs. So fill the bloody thing! Whatever happened to those ‘you’ll get the game, and the movie, and all the bonus features, all on the same disc’ crap we were being sold a few years back? You’ve already made demos and trailers right? Stick ‘em on there too! Make us believe that there is somewhere in this generation for gaming to go.
Friday, 14 December 2007
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The game of the year !ORANGE BOX! was on one disk! need i say more the game is absolutely massave. elder scrolls 4 came out the year after the 360 version and a year crapper, the extra 41 disk made what differnce!
Not to mention the darkness which came out on both the xbox 360 & playstation 3, what was the difference " oh you can watch an extra two hours of.... wait for it.. movies. Every game that has come out on both formats what is the big differnce between the two. nothing other than pointless media, which after the first try no ones going to bother with anyway. my point being playstation has not back up its claims about blu-ray having an extra space. what are the major benefits if no ones using them. i want to see more levels, better grafics, better sound basicaly better everything. but were not seing this are we hell no! HALO 3 roooocks!
DVD =Data format for: data & movies
(HD)-DVD = Data format for: movies
Blu-ray = Data format for: data & movies
These formats can hold any type of data in reality!!!: music, movies, games, applications anything under the Sun just like a computers (HDD)=hard disk drive!!!
(that why I watch a lot of HD movies on my PC without a HD-DVD drive!!)
It does not really matter which format. As log as its big enough!!! Even DVD can hold much more data but its capped to a certain size!!! The industry wants to make more money so they gave the disk a new name HD-DVD for movies!!! And changed the coating on the DVD-disk so other DVD player cant read it!!! The same as Blue-ray which uses a Blue laser to read the disk!!
So we are all being sold short!!,, and paying more money for the same thing!!!
Next year its rumored that 360 will get built-in HD-DVD (help from Toshiba), to compete with PS3 and may offer something extra???
Xbox360 owners will be brain-washed to buy yet another machine!!!
This will piss a lot of people off!!!
If that happens the majority may jump ship to PS3 and will clearly see the problems that M$ have been having with the hardware!!, keeping it quiet putting the PS3 down, and in a bad light because of PS3 delay.
(The delay is over now)!!
Unreal tournament 3 is coming and that will be the end of Master Chief on this planet and the entire Halo universe!!!
UT3 might just end up being a PC + PS3 game as first intended?.....
(The best gaming system has always been the PC!!)time to upgrade!!
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