Friday, 18 April 2008

GTA IV Version Wars: Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3

By Jeremy and David ⋅ April 16, 2008 ⋅ Post a comment
Grand Theft Auto IV is undoubtedly the most highly anticipated and massively hyped multiplatform release of 2008. With April 29th just around the corner, gamers are salivating in anticipation of getting to cause massive amounts of chaos alone and with friends in Liberty City. While gamers agree that this game is most likely going to kick insane amounts of ass on both consoles, people who own both a Xbox 360 and a Playstation 3 are going to have to make a tough decision. Are they going to buy GTA IV on the 360 or the PS3? Despite the fact that Rockstar officially stated that both versions will look and run identically, The Exploding Barrel’s own Jeremy and David tackle the issue for gamers everywhere. Jeremy is here to explain why the Xbox 360 is the only console gamers should consider for GTA IV, and David tackles why the PS3 wins the day. Much like the theory of evolution, the debate may never be truly settled, but its fun to argue about meaningless shit anyway, right?

Jeremy’s Argument for the Xbox 360 Version

The question on whether or not gamers should buy GTA IV for the Xbox 360 should really be changed to “Why wouldn’t you buy GTA for the 360?” The Xbox version of the title blows the PS3 version out of the water in almost every single category that is important to gamers. Let’s take a look at just a few of the reasons why the 360 is the superior console for GTA IV gaming madness.

Change that dial!

The Grand Theft Auto series is already known for its stellar in-game soundtrack. While it’s fun to flip through the radio and jam to the game’s tunes and funny commercials when mowing over pedestrians, eventually the game’s soundtrack becomes exhausted. While PS3 owners are stuck with the same (albeit awesome) in-game songs, 360 owners can make customizable soundtracks from their personal music library to rock out to when driving around Liberty City. This adds a tremendous amount to game immersion because there is nothing like doing a drive-by to your favorite song. Personally, I prefer my homicide with a little side of Britney Spears. “Hit me Niko one more time.”

Why kill alone when you can kill with friends?

Yes, the Playstation 3 has online play for GTA IV, but anyone who isn’t a diehard PS3 fanboy will admit that the service pales in comparison to Xbox Live. With some amazing looking multiplayer modes, it only makes sense to buy GTA IV for the console that has the best online service. Despite its recent hiccups, XBL is simply the better place to game because there are more gamers to play with and it is just a more reliable service. Sure, the PSN is free, but users have been plagued with connection issues and empty lobbies. What do you think is going to happen to the network when the GTA IV bomb is set off? It’s possible that the massive influx of online players will strain both services, but XBL has a better infrastructure to deal with the load and boasts a subscriber rate much larger than the PSN. Sometimes you get what you pay for.

You down with DLC?

There has been a tremendous amount of speculation about what exclusive content will be available for the 360, but no one really knows what Rockstar developed for the console. One thing is for sure, with all the money Microsoft paid for the extra content, it’s going to be much more than a few extra outfits for Niko. While no one is a fan of paying more money for game content (damn you microtransactions!), DLC gives gamers the opportunity to make a played game fresh again with new levels, new missions, and area maps. The thought of not even having the option to purchase loads of extra content should send chills down completionist gamer’s spins. Sure, PS3 has promised some exclusive content, but it definitely won’t be 50 million dollars worth…Microsoft will make sure of that.
All of this brings us back to the original question, “Why wouldn’t you buy GTA IV for the Xbox 360.” You won’t buy GTA IV for the 360 if you like massive installs on your hard drive just so the game won’t lag. You won’t buy it for the 360 if you enjoy shoddy online service, and you definitely won’t buy it for the 360 if you love not getting all of the available content for the game
.David’s Argument for the PS3 Version on link below

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