Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Gears of War movie slated for 2010

The film adaptation of Epic's Gears of War has been slated for release in 2010.
"We've got our script on and a director we're about to attach. We'll hopefully make that early next year for the summer of 2010," Twilight producer Wyck Godfrey has told ComingSoon.net.
It was revealed in March 2007 that New Line Cinema has nabbed the rights to a Gears movie, with Stuart Beattie handling the script.
Beattie later described the Gears movie as being an "enormous film."
"There's no way to build that world any other way, really," he said. "That's a huge world. It's a planet and it's a bubble and it's a building. It's an epic sci-fi war and an enormous film. To get it made at all, the only way to make it for a price is to be on a soundstage. But the game also has that look, which is really interesting, so I think it will dovetail really nicely."
Courtesy of CVG.

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