Friday, 21 September 2007

ps3 & wii sales drop significantly as xbox 360 hardware explode

The new charts have been updated on VGChartz for the week of September 9 - September 15. Hardware sales are showing some very interesting things as Wii hardware figures drop 20% to well over 90k and Playstation 3 even drops an amazing 40% to just over 30k. This compared to Xbox 360 figures which increase by almost 20% selling nearly 90k, almost as much as the Wii.

Heavenly Sword did not impress in first week sales, with not even 80k copies. Bioshock and Metroid Prime still doing amazing with another 90k and 70k this week respectively. EA's SKATE debuted this week with just over 50k as the NHL 08 and NHL 2K8 games fail to impress.

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